Beef shawarma wrap. Beef Shawarma Wrap is a popular street food especially in the Middle East. Its made with flank steak, wrapped in pita bread with vegetables & tahini sauce. Shawarma is originally a Lebanese recipe then Nigerians had a taste and we made it ours! no joke, if you've never had Nigeran just got to.
The sour cream in the marinade will. A Middle Eastern classic wrap, warmly spiced, tangy and so tender. This beef shawarma comes with a special spice blend that will kick your sad lunchmeat sandwich to the curb. Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kawan-kawan dapat menyiapkan Beef shawarma wrap hanya dengan menggunakan 14 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Beef shawarma wrap yuk!
Bahan-bahan Beef shawarma wrap
- Gunakan 250 gram of daging cincang/ sapi/ ayam/lamb suka2.
- Sediakan 1 of bawang bombay.
- Dibutuhkan 1 siung of bawang putih.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt of cinnamon powder.
- Siapkan 1 buah of tomat.
- Diperlukan 1 buah of jeruk 🍋 lemon.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt of garam/ merica.
- Diperlukan 1/2 sdt of Gula pasir.
- Sediakan of Yogurt/ sour cream.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdm of butter/ Olive oil/ minyak sayur.
- Siapkan of Daun cilantro/ketumbar/boleh skip kalo gak suka.
- Dibutuhkan of Daun mint sesuai selera/ boleh skip kalo gak suka.
- Dibutuhkan 4-5 lembar of Tortilla wrap.
- Gunakan 1/2 sdt of bubuk jinten.
Shawarma is the ultimate on-the-go meal. Thinly sliced meat, wrapped in pita bread with veggies Shawarma is thinly sliced cuts of meat, like chicken, beef, goat, lamb, and sometimes turkey rolled. Homemade beef Shawarma can be just as delicious as the crispy and juicy street food you know and love in the middle east. It is a Middle-Eastern spiced beef served with fresh veggies and tahini sauce.
Langkah-langkah memasak Beef shawarma wrap
- Daging di marinated dulu dgn garam/ gula/merica/🍋 lemon di peras kurleb 10 menitan, dan bubuk jinten dan cinnamon, sisihkan..
- Panaskan wajan dengan minyak tumis daging nya masukkan irisan bawang Bombay Dan bawang putih aduk2 icip2 rasa aduk sampe matang angkat..
- Ambil selembar tortilla wrap masukkan daging sesendok ditambah irisan tomat, daun mint, daun cilantro suka2 Dan sesendok yogurt/ sour cream sesuai selera gulung. Grilled semenitan angkat sajikan enjoyyy..
Tender shavings of lamb leg marinated with Mediterranean spices broiled on a rotiesserie, sliced. A traditional Lebanese sandwich recipe, beef shawarma is wrapped in a pita with a creamy, tahini garlic sauce. Learn How to Make authentic Lebanese Beef Shawarma From Scratch At Home Using Our Tested Shawarma is probably one of the most recognizable Middle Eastern ethnic food names in the West. Photo about Beef shawarma wrap with vegetables. Sliced beef, lettuce, pickle, tomato, onion, mint, sesame cream, hummus.